Wednesday 20 February 2008

Amnesty International - It's Not Happening Here But It's Happening Now

Archive VOl 2-2006 An example of a similar campaign which gets the audience interacting and actively involved with the advertisement campaign and even causes them to become part of the campaign itself. Companies and advertizing firms are becoming more and more concerned that catching the audience's attention is getting increasingly difficult as the public is getting so used to advertizing material being thrust upon them that they do not react to it as they used to since their palates are becoming jaded.

Amnesty International in Switzerland broke a new outdoor campaign May 29th that was created by Walker Werbeagentur Zuerich. The campaign uses the tagline "It's not happening here but it's happening now", in various languages, from French to German. Using the transparent billboards, the campaign aims to show people what is going on in the world, even if it's not happening in front of them at the bus stop. The ads portray issues in countries like Iraq, China, and Sudan.

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